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Day 3 Schedule


Session Descriptions

August 25


Session Descriptions

August 27


Session Descriptions

September 1


Session Descriptions

September 3

9:00 - 10:00 AM

GS3. Leading Through A Pandemic: Finding Your Footing in an Upside Down World (All Providers)

Session Description: Did you find your agency turned upside down by all of the fear and non-stop changes related to COVID-19? We welcome, Cristina Filippo, who will share with us techniques and advice on learning how to emerge as a leader who can manage through stress, fear and uncertainty in a Pandemic world and a new workplace. There WILL be change. Are you proactive or reactive leader?


Speaker: Cristina Filippo, Ph.D., CEO, Steople Group


Continuing Education: 1.0 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

6a. Medicare Quality Outcomes: How to Catch Up with HH-CAHPS

Session Description: HH-CAHPS surveys have been on hold for months due to the COVID 19 chaos. Do you understand what that may mean to your agency and the impact it may have? The CAHPS survey requirement has been in place for some time, and publicly reported since 2012.  Ensure that data is meaningful and useful, and that you are getting the most out of your patient satisfaction scores and how you are in control of your customer satisfaction and outcomes.


Speaker: Colleen Bryan, JCC Consulting


Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 

1.5 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

6b. New Hospice Election & Addendum Requirements 2020 (Hospice)

Session Description: Hospice Election Statement Changes Effective October 2020….Are you ready?  This webinar will review the detail changes to the Hospice Election Statement that will go into effect October 2020. In addition to the Election Statement itself, there will also be an addendum requirement that will include many clinicians needing to fully understand what is allowed and not allowed under the Medicare Benefit and the regulations to support that decision. This webinar will assist in full preparation for implementation of these new requirements.  In addition there will be sample Election Statements and Addendums provided.


Speaker: Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.


Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

6c. Steering Clear with Cyber Security During a Public Health Emergency (PHE) (All Providers)

Session Description: With COVID-19 on our plate as a priority, have you kept cyber security in mind as well?  Our new reality is that security risks are on the rise with data breaches, in the last nine years, affecting over 2,500 healthcare data breaches and more than 500 records. Data breaches and resulting regulatory and legal action have escalated in healthcare with penalties reaching millions in 2019. Join Ricky Smith in this session to learn more about the common areas of vulnerability, the impact of data loss, key elements for protecting your organization, and ways to reduce risk.


Speaker: Ricky Smith, President, Innovative Business Technologies


Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates

1:00 - 2:30 PM

7a. Critical Home Health PDGM Claims Processing Update

Session Description: The Home Health Proposed Rule 2021 was released June 30, 2020…while there are not significant changes to the PDGM model there are some details that need to be reviewed! RAPs will have no payments and will have a payment PENALTY if not filed timely. There are some changes to the wage indices in multiple states with swings in the applicable rates of no greater than 5%. Medical Review is to begin again on August 3, 2020, across the nation.  What does 2020 hold for your reimbursement.


Speaker: Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.


Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates

1:00 - 2:30 PM

7b. Hospice Quality Reporting and Customer Service…Yes there IS a Connection!

Session Description: With the implementation of Hospice Quality Reporting Measures and the CAHPS Hospice Survey, hospice staff and managers must understand the impact of their daily interactions with patients/families and how they may directly influence public reporting measures (and future star ratings). We will provide a brief overview of these regulatory requirements and engage the participants in exploring each of the questions and the direct impact that staff interaction may have on HIS and CAHPS Hospice Survey responses. This interactive program will utilize case scenarios and group discussion to demonstrate exceptional customer service behaviors that hospice staff can use in daily practice to improve in these measures.


Speaker: Kimberly Skehan, RN, MSN, Director of Compliance, Regulatory and Quality, Simione Healthcare LLC and Melynda Lee, Director of Growth Solutions, Simione Healthcare Consultants, LLC


Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;

1.5 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

1:00 - 2:30 PM

7c. Enhancing Communication Skills to Improve Patient, Employee and Referral Source Satisfaction (And Your Bottom Line Too!)

Session Description:  In the fast paced world of home health care, it can be hard to make connections with people, especially during a worldwide pandemic, such as COVID-19; unless time is set aside to connect for this purpose. Monotonous regime, lackluster communication skills and unsustainable satisfaction can all lead to employee burnout, unhappy patients and loss of referral sources. Once you make the decision to utilize tools such as social media, video conferencing technology and other tips you will learn in this session, you will begin enhancing your communication skills and improving these integral relationships.


Speaker: Marcylle Combs, MS, RN, BS, CHCE, President, MAC Legacy


Continuing Education:  1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates

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Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice. (512) 338-9293


Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Louisiana State Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151

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