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Mon. November 15


Tues. November 16


Wed. November 17

Day 1 Nov 10


Core Program

9:00 AM -10:00 AM

A. General Session: Industry Update: If You’re in Home Care—You’re in Politics! 


Rachel Hammon, Executive Director, TAHC&H will give us an industry update on all of the latest changes of our industry. 


Speakers: Rachel Hammon, Executive Director, Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice


Continuing Education: 1.0 clock hours Administrators/Alternates

10:15 AM -12:00 PM 

1A. General Session: Employment Law: FLSA, FMLA, & ADA - Oh My! 

In this Employment Law session, Alicia Haff, JD, will review the major tenets of The Americans with Disabilities Act and Family Medical Leave Act as well as discuss the legal interplay between the two.  Alicia will also provide an overview of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 using recent EEOC cases and provide general guidance on how employers can eliminate/mitigate harassment and discrimination complaints in the workplace.  Wage and Overtime rules will be reviewed with an eye towards ensuring employers understand how not to violate FLSA and finally Alicia will use these topics in her discussion of employee handbooks and what information should AND should not be contained within these guidance materials. 


Speaker: Alicia J. Haff, JD, Partner, ETC Companies 

Continuing Education: 1.75 clock hour continuing education for Administrators/Alternates.


Note: After further developing the content for this session, it was determined that due to the number of new employment issues resulting from COVID, this session was best suited as a GENERAL SESSION rather than two separate Standard and Advanced tracks. 



1:15 PM - 3:00 PM  and 3:00 PM - 5:15 PM 

2A. & 3A. (Standard) HCSSA Regulatory Compliance for Administrators: Part 1 & 2 *

Session Description: This will be an interactive presentation of Texas Chapter 558 Licensing Standards for Home and Community Support Services Agencies (HCSSAs), where we review required topics such as the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 142, and its intent as it relates to HCSSA licensing standards that must be met by an administrator or alternate administrator. This presentation will cover the administrator’s responsibilities related to advance directives, client rights, complaints and other state and federal statutes and regulations such as Chapter 250, Nurse Aide Registry and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 102, Rights of the Elderly. Revised rule changes, policy interpretation, and application of the regulations by surveyors for compliance will be part of this extensive education.


Speaker: Jennifer Elder, Home Health Regulatory and Policy Manager, TAHC&H and Grace Werckle, BSN, RN, Home Care Education Nurse Manager, TAHC&H 


Continuing Education: 3.75 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 3.75 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



1:15 PM - 2:30 PM 


2B. (Advanced)Advanced Concepts in Risk Management: Advance Directives – What Providers Need to Know


This presentation will cover the Texas Advance Directives Act as it applies to Home Care, Hospice and providers in general. It will cover necessary policies and procedures as well as risk management. At the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of the law and updates and how to navigate the specifics of Texas and Federal law on the subject.


Speaker: Luis Acevedo, Acevedo & Edwards, PLLC


Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



2:45 PM - 4:00 PM 



3B. (Advanced) Advanced Concepts in Compliance: Breached: Is Your Barn Door Wide Open?


This presentations discusses (i) legal obligations to investigate and respond to security incidents and (ii) steps to comply with reporting obligations under HIPAA and state law .Our new reality: risks are on the rise. With data breaches in the last nine years affecting over 2,500 healthcare entities with data breaches of more than 500 records each,  data breaches and resulting regulatory and legal actions have escalated in healthcare with penalties reaching millions in 2021. Learn about the common areas of vulnerability, the impact of data loss, key elements for protecting your organization, and ways to reduce risk.


Speakers: Heidi Kocher, JD, MBA, CHC, Partner, Liles Parker and Larry K. Neiswender, Managing Partner, Protect EHR

Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education




4:15 PM - 5:30 PM 



3C. (Advanced) Advanced Concepts in Business Development: Keys to Successful Strategic Growth Leadership:  Build a Growth Centric Culture


Do you have the right structure, people, processes and technology to deliver consistent incremental growth? Join national strategic growth expert, Michael Ferris, for an in-home care provider presentation and discover how to implement best practices at your agency to drive consistent program growth while driving down the cost of sales per admission. During this presentation, the planning and budgeting process will be covered as well as other topics including 5 ways to drive down the cost of sales per admission, keys to sales training success and sales management, importance of the sales process, growth centric culture and managing referrals from receipt to admission.

Speaker: Michael Ferris, Managing Partner and Trainer in Chief, Healthcare Strategica, LLC

Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates


Day 2 Nov 12


Core Program

8:15 AM -9:45 AM

4A. Infection Control (Standard)

This presentation will discuss the current regulatory requirements for infection control for home health and hospice agencies, as well as practical implementation of the regulations within your agency. The session offers tips and tools for you to use as you tackle the ongoing challenge of educating staff, patients and caregivers about this ever-important requirement.


Speaker: Colleen Bryan, MSNED, RN, Senior Consultant and Educator, JCC


Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



4B. Advanced Concepts in Finance


A good budget is the foundation of any strong financial plan. It requires a range of perspectives within home care and hospice organizations to set realistic (not optimistic) plans. Budgeting exercises must consider team functions and goals, allowing necessary time to gain input and share an understanding of how the budget can foster consistent operational performance. This session will outline key principles for participation and consensus with financial goals, excellence in documentation, and how everyone can contribute to an effective budget and plan.


Speaker: Amy Knight, CPA, Knight CPA Group


Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

10:00 AM -11:30 AM

5A. Fraud, Waste and Abuse: Let’s Talk About Legal Marketing Practices (Because No One Looks Good in Orange)

There’s been a rise in investigation, civil litigation and criminal prosecution and of marketing arrangements, including in the home health and hospice industry sector. This presentation will review the current state of Federal and Texas state fraud and abuse law governing marketing and review several example cases. The presenters will also present tips for structuring compliant arrangements.

Speakers: Heidi Kocher, JD, MBA, CHC, Partner, Liles Parker, PLLC; Jennifer Papapanagiotou, JD, Partner, Liles Parker, PLLC 

Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education; 1.50 SWCEU



5B. Advanced Concepts in Communication: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect


Change is inevitable in healthcare. Organizations must continue to evolve or risk being left behind. In this session, leaders will learn tools to successfully execute change management and avoid the common missteps that lead to stress and burnout.


Speaker: Marcylle Combs, MS, RN, BS, CHCE, President, MAC Legacy

Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

12:45 PM - 2:15 PM

6A. Emergency Preparedness Play Calling

Emergency Preparedness is a "team sport". Having an overall "play calling" strategy that favors your agency's strengths as well as identifies and improves upon your weaknesses is required by CMS regulation. In this session, learn the requirements and best practices to ensure your team members understand their roles and execute effectively when an emergency threatens.


Speaker:  Jennifer Gibson Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Director of Education, SimiTree Healthcare Consulting

Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



6B. Advanced Concepts in Operations


This session will take leaders through thinking outside the box regarding back-office operations.  Who does what and is the day to day what you thought it was?  Processes are great, but especially great when they are meaningful and measurable and carried out as documented.  In many cases the processes that will keep us most compliant are on paper only and not be followed in the agency.  This session will shed some light on key back-office operations issues and how administrators should be asking key questions regarding the day to day.


Speaker:  Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.


Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.50 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

7A. Complaint Investigation and Resolution: Managing Complaints*

Learn to improve the effectiveness and consistency of managing complaints and how to use quality assessment/performance improvement (QAPI) to manage and reduce such complaints. Develop person-centered approaches and explain how perception can be an ally or foe in reducing client complaints.


Speaker: Kay Hollers, RN, MPH | Independent Consultant| HealthCare ConsultLink


Continuing Education: 1.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education




7B. Advanced Concepts in Infection Control: Comprehensive Infection Program to Prevent Transmission of Infectious Diseases


A comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPC) program is part of the Conditions of Participation, Emergency Preparedness, and OSHA surveys. COVID made agencies acutely aware of the potential gaps in their infection control and prevention programs. In this interactive session, learn what basic steps you, as an administrator or leader in the agency, need to ensure is taking place to meet regulatory guidance, and keep your staff and clients safe.  Before COVID- reared its ugly head, the CDC noted in an Emerging Infectious Disease article that home-based nurses or caregivers have the opportunity to spot signs of infection during wound care, respiratory care, infusion therapy, enteral therapy, and urinary tract care. From basics of teaching proper techniques, to monitoring, to contact tracing, we will discuss ways to combine several of your activities to decrease the amount of work needed to meet regulatory guidelines.



Speaker: J’non Griffin RN, MHA, HCS-D,HCS-C,HCS-H,COS-C

Continuing Education: 1.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education; 1.00 SWCEU

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

8A. Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation: Agency Investigations*

What is self-reporting and how can an agency stay in compliance with the HCSSA requirements? We will discuss expectations listed in the Texas Administrative Code for Agency Investigations and provide a detailed, step by step, process for reporting according to the HCSSA regulations.


Speaker: Kay Hollers, RN, MPH | Independent Consultant| HealthCare ConsultLink


Continuing Education: 1.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education




8B. Advanced Concepts in Training Requirements: More Than Just a Checklist

This session will provide a summary of the required training for all Home & Community Support Services Agencies (HCSSA). The administrator must assure that employees, contractors and volunteers receive the right training at the right time. Despite the difficulty of this undertaking, this session will encourage the attendee to embrace training as a an opportunity to improve performance, business alignment, value, and retention. 


Speaker: Valerie Cornett, MS, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, MAC Legacy


Continuing Education: 1.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education


Specialty Day

Day 3 Nov 17

8:15 AM -10:15 AM

Medicare Track
H1. Hospice 2022 Final Rules

This session will review the 2022 Medicare Final Rule which includes rate updates, clarifications on the implementation of the election statement addendum and changes to the Conditions of Participation regarding hospice aides.  The final Medicare rule also includes significant update language to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program.  This session will review a 2022 Update to the VBID Model – Hospice in Medicare Advantage.

Speakers: Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc


Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 2.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education




A1. New Reporting Requirements for Provider Relief Funds


This session will bring attendees both a state and federal perspective on the new reporting requirements. Please join Mohib Nawab and Tori Ponson from HHSC and Amy Knight from Knight CPA Group who will explain the latest updates to this recent change in requirements. This will be your opportunity to learn about new forms, how to complete and what information is needed on these forms. There will also be a Q&A time to give you an opportunity to have your questions answered!  


Speaker: Amy Knight,  CPA, Knight CPA Group


Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates)




MCD1. MCO Claims Issues


Join noted speaker Michael Osborne from HHSC to learn how to manage MCO claims issues you may be encountering. HHSC is here to help providers with any MCO claims issues you have so don’t miss this session! You don’t want to miss the valuable takeaways including resources on how to resolve and file complaints. 


Speaker: Michael Osborne, Sr. Manager, Managed Care Compliance and Operations, HHSC 

Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 



10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Medicare Track
H2. Important Home Health Regulatory Updates from the Final Rule

The final rule always gives agencies their “nuggets” of information to implement in their agency for the next year. This year proves to be an eventful year with not only the payment model changes in comorbidities and functional areas (plus some codes that will not be allowed as primary), to Value Based purchasing going nationwide, a possible implementation date for OASIS E, updates to the HH QRP, and many more items. Come learn first-hand all the changes, from two industry experts, and what you need to do after this meeting to prepare your agency for the changes. 

Speaker: Jennifer Gibson Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Director of Education, SimiTree Healthcare Consulting, J’non Griffin RN, MHA, HCS-D,HCS-C,HCS-H,COS-C

Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 2.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education



A2. State Survey Readiness for All HCSSAs


This session will enhance the knowledge of the Administrator or Alternate Administrator in the area of state survey readiness.  This activity will provide data and insight gained through survey experience to help the attendee implement education, tools and processes in their practice.   This ensures the attendee will understand the importance of preparing ahead and compliance with federal and state requirements.

Speaker: Valerie Cornett, MS, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, MAC Legacy  

Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates); 2.00 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education




MCD2. PEMS System 


The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership’s (TMHP) Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) is coming soon. Please join TMHP's Israel Barco as he explains this new system and provider responsibilities. Provider enrollment functions will be available through PEMS, and providers must use the new system to enroll in Texas Medicaid. The new system will be the single tool for provider enrollment, reenrollment, revalidation, and maintenance requests (maintaining and updating provider enrollment record information).


Speaker: Israel Barco, Provider Relations Representative, TMHP and Yolanda Brown,      TMHP

Continuing Education: 2.00 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;



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Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice. (512) 338-9293


Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Louisiana State Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151

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